Rootless Black Roses is both a tragic yet inspirational tale of courage against a brutal backdrop of human rights violations. The intersecting lives of a group of friends – as seen through the eyes of each one in turn – provides a roller-coaster journey through the shared experience of a people subjected to repression. Sad yet honest, this tale explores the identity crisis that Melanesians face daily on their own soil striving to defend their culture, language and humanity against a half century of “illegal” Indonesian rule. Aprila R. A. Wayar is a gifted and perceptive storyteller with compassion for the anguish of her Papuan brothers and sisters.
(Professor David Robie, Director of the Pacific Media Centre,
Auckland University of Technology, Aotearoa/New Zealand)
Auckland University of Technology, Aotearoa/New Zealand)
Dear ms. Wayar,
ReplyDeleteI would love to read your book Rootless black roses (in English). However, I seem unable to find where I can order it. Could you point me in the right direction?
Kin regards,
Bert Ernste